Data quality was much improved today compared to the last several days. RHIs revealed large vertical towers of coherent velocities over 1 km in depth suggesting a well mixed boundary layer:
TTUKa2 RHI from 21:08:45 UTC. dBz on the left; Radial velocity on the right |
Given the data quality, we decided to attempt an hour long coordinated stare with HRDL. The stare occurred between 22:30 and 23:00 UTC. However, a sampling issue with staring software of TTUKa2 caused the stare to extend 20 minutes past the end of the designated stare with HRDL. Ray data during this period suggested intermittent periods of noise and coherent velocities. An RHI was also performed after the stare and revealed much less in the way of good velocity data:
TTUKa2 RHI from 22:55:43; dBZ on the left and radial velocity on the right. |
Today's test scan combined with the afternoon coordination with HRDL brings the total number of minutes scanned to 3763 out of the available 7200. We expect tomorrow to be similar and will look to coordinated with the ongoing dual-Doppler stares over the supersite.
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